THE Heavy Metal Reference on the Internet!
Bands: 1766
CDS: 6597 Songs: 75325
(Banner ads are FREE for bands and labels. Email me if interested.)
Your ongoing support of Brutal Metal is appreciated!
Submit CDs
If you have any CDs that are not displayed here at
Brutal Metal, feel free to submit the data for them. Submissions from this
page are sent to a database for my editing and then I will add them
to the Brutal Metal pages as I see fit (I know that if I make the
submission automatic, some numbwit will be sending Metal Sux!!
messages 30 at a time...).
CDs ONLY!!! No vinyl or cassettes!!!
When submitting a CD from a band
that isn't already on the site, please put a brief description of the
band's sound, who they compare to stylistically, etc. in the "Comments
about the band" section. Some people have been making some bogus
submissions and/or bands/discs not appropriate for the site. If it's
not a band I've ever heard of and there's no description or homepage
URL that I can check out, the submission gets shitcanned...