Heavy Metal Reference Guide and Discgraphy

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View Bands by Genre:
Classic Metal (501)
Christian Metal (38)
Power Metal (316)
Progressive Metal (165)
Speed/Thrash (270)
Death Metal (145)
Black Metal (56)
Doom (23)
Doom-Death (29)
Sludge Doom (9)
Stoner Doom (9)
Atmospheric Metal (19)
Folk Metal (12)
Gothic Metal (41)
Grindcore (5)
'90s Alternametal (42)
Industrial Metal (19)
Rap Metal (10)
Defies Classification (41)

THE Heavy Metal Reference on the Internet!

Bands: 1767     CDS: 6599     Songs: 75352


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Here are links to some cool pages about hard rock/metal. Links to pages for specific bands can be found on the pages for those bands.

For buttons and banners to use when linking to Brutal Metal, please see the bottom of this page.

Heavy Metal Record Labels
AFM Records
Adrenaline Records
Black Mark Productions
Candlelight Records
Century Media
Conquest Music
Dark Symphonies
Diehard Music
Displeased Records
Full Moon Productions
Hall of Sermon Records
Martyr Music Group
Metal Blade Records
Noise Records
Pavement Music
Peaceville Records
Red Stream Records
Shark Records
Heavy Metal Magazines/E-Zines
Scream Magazine
Tracks of Creation
Heavy Metal CD Stores
HOZ Records
Headbanger's Delight
The End Records
Wishing Well Entertainment
Heavy Metal Resources
BNR Metal Pages
Birgitt's Metal and Hard Rock Area
Born in Blood
Hard Radio
Mega's Metal Asylum
Metal Ages
Metal Review Centre
Metal Treasures
Metal Underground
Satan Stole My Teddybear
Teufel's Tomb
Vampire Records

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