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swedenM.A.DProgressive Metal
USAMX MachineSpeed/Thrash
italyMacbethGothic Metal
USAMachine HeadSpeed/Thrash
USAMad PlanetDeath Metal
USAMadd HunterClassic Metal
USAMadhouseClassic Metal
italyMadswordProgressive Metal
brazilMaelstromGothic Metal
belgiumMagic KingdomClassic Metal
romaniaMagicaPower Metal
USAMagnitude 9Progressive Metal
spainMago De OzClassic Metal
swedenMajesticProgressive Metal
germanyMajestyClassic Metal
portugalMalevolenceDefies Classification
USAMalevolent CreationDeath Metal
USAMaliceClassic Metal
denmarkMaltese FalconClassic Metal
ukMama's BoysNWOBHM
germanyManiaClassic Metal
USAManilla RoadPower Metal
swedenManimalPower Metal
USAManowarClassic Metal
denmarkManticoraProgressive Metal
norwayMantric MomentumClassic Metal
USAMarilyn MansonNu Metal
ukMaschineProgressive Metal
finlandMasquerageClassic Metal
USAMassacreDeath Metal
italyMastercastleProgressive Metal
germanyMasterplanPower Metal
germanyMasters Of DisguisePower Metal
germanyMasters of CeremonyClassic Metal
finlandMasterstrokeClassic Metal
USAMastodonDeath Metal
USAMaudlin Of The WellDefies Classification
USAMaximusClassic Metal
norwayMayhemBlack Metal
swedenMean StreakClassic Metal
russiaMeanderGothic Metal
 Medicated SavageSpeed/Thrash
 MedicineIndustrial Metal
USAMedusaClassic Metal
USAMeliah RageSpeed/Thrash
ukMemories of OldPower Metal
germanyMenhirFolk Metal
russiaMental HomeDefies Classification
germanyMentalistClassic Metal
USAMentorsDefies Classification
denmarkMercyful FatePower Metal
germanyMessengerClassic Metal
USAMetal ChurchSpeed/Thrash
germanyMetal InquisitorClassic Metal
USAMetal TearsClassic Metal

swedenMetalitePower Metal
germanyMetaliumPower Metal
italyMethariaAtmospheric Metal
swedenMidas TouchPower Metal
finlandMidnight BulletClassic Metal
USAMidnight EternalAtmospheric Metal
canadaMidnight ViceClassic Metal
USAMike Lepond's Silent AssassinsClassic Metal
USAMiles BeyondClassic Metal
USAMillennial ReignClassic Metal
italyMind KeyProgressive Metal
germanyMind OdysseyPower Metal
USAMind Over FourNu Metal
USAMindMazeProgressive Metal
swedenMindSplitProgressive Metal
swedenMindless SinnerClassic Metal
franceMisanthropeDefies Classification
USAMister GrinchSpeed/Thrash
italyMistheriaProgressive Metal
USAMistressClassic Metal
germanyMob RulesPower Metal
USAMonster MagnetStoner Doom
ukMonumentClassic Metal
portugalMoonspellDefies Classification
USAMooreClassic Metal
USAMoral AnxietySpeed/Thrash
USAMorbid AngelDeath Metal
finlandMorbid DreamDeath Metal
USAMorbid SaintSpeed/Thrash
USAMorbid SinSpeed/Thrash
swedenMorgana LefayPower Metal
italyMorganaClassic Metal
germanyMorgothDeath Metal
norwayMorgulDefies Classification
USAMortal DecayDeath Metal
australiaMortal SinSpeed/Thrash
 Mortal [CCM]Nu Metal
USAMorticiaClassic Metal
australiaMortification [CCM]Death Metal
ukraineMortonClassic Metal
mexicoMortus PoetryDeath Metal
ukMotorheadClassic Metal
USAMr. SinisterSpeed/Thrash
USARonny MunroeClassic Metal
swedenThe Murder Of My SweetClassic Metal
USAMushroom CultNu Metal
ukMy Dying BrideDoom-Death
norwayMyriadsDefies Classification
italyMystere De Notre DameProgressive Metal
germanyMystic ProphecyPower Metal
italyMystic TwilightAtmospheric Metal
norwayMystiriumDeath Metal
brazilMythological Cold TowersDoom-Death

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