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Classic Metal (501)
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Doom-Death (29)
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Bands: 1767     CDS: 6599     Songs: 75352


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Click on a flag icon to see a list of all of the hard rock, AOR, and melodic metal bands and musicians here at Brutal Metal from that country.


USARadakkaPower Metal
spainRage N RevengeClassic Metal
germanyRagePower Metal
USARain Fell WithinAtmospheric Metal
USARaising CainClassic Metal
germanyRammsteinIndustrial Metal
canadaRapid TearsClassic Metal
swissRated XSpeed/Thrash
greeceRavencult [CCM]Black Metal
netherlandsReVampGothic Metal
USAReading ZeroProgressive Metal
germanyReaperClassic Metal
italyReasons BehindPower Metal
 Rebel Meets RebelDefies Classification
germanyRebellionClassic Metal
norwayRed HarvestDefies Classification
germanyRed RavenClassic Metal
USARedd BarronClassic Metal
USARedemptionProgressive Metal
germanyRefugeClassic Metal
ukRegulusStoner Doom
 The Reign of TerrorPower Metal
ukRevenant DeadDeath Metal
USAReverenceClassic Metal

USAReverendPower Metal
USARevocationDeath Metal
finlandRevolution RenaissancePower Metal
swedenRexoriaClassic Metal
italyRhapsody Of FirePower Metal
italyRhapsodyPower Metal
brazilRhevanAtmospheric Metal
USARigor MortisDeath Metal
USARiot in RhythmClassic Metal
argentinaRipioPower Metal
USARipperClassic Metal
turkeyRisebackGothic Metal
swedenRising FaithPower Metal
USARising PowerClassic Metal
franceRising SteelPower Metal
USARitual MiserySpeed/Thrash
ukRogue MaleNWOBHM
USAMichael RomeoProgressive Metal
USARose [CCM]Doom
USARoss The BossPower Metal
greeceRotting ChristDefies Classification
germanyRough SilkClassic Metal
germanyRoxxcaliburClassic Metal
italyRoyal Air ForceClassic Metal
denmarkRoyal HuntProgressive Metal
 RudimentsNu Metal
germanyRunning WildPower Metal
USARuthlessClassic Metal

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