Heavy Metal Reference Guide and Discgraphy

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View Bands by Genre:
Classic Metal (501)
Christian Metal (38)
Power Metal (316)
Progressive Metal (165)
Speed/Thrash (270)
Death Metal (145)
Black Metal (56)
Doom (23)
Doom-Death (29)
Sludge Doom (9)
Stoner Doom (9)
Atmospheric Metal (19)
Folk Metal (12)
Gothic Metal (41)
Grindcore (5)
'90s Alternametal (42)
Industrial Metal (19)
Rap Metal (10)
Defies Classification (41)

THE Heavy Metal Reference on the Internet!

Bands: 1767     CDS: 6599     Songs: 75352


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About Brutal Metal

What is Brutal Metal?

This site is a spinoff from my original reference site Heavy Harmonies. I don't just collect AOR and hard rock, which is the primary focus of Heavy Harmonies; I also collect heavy metal as well, including a lot of material that is WAAAAAY too heavy for that site. So I figured that since I have a site mechanism in place that works well, why not adapt it and provide a reference site for heavy metal? Thus BrutalMetal.Com was born.

This site is devoted to discography information, rather than What's Hot!, interviews, gossip, etc. Rather, this is meant to be an informational resource for people looking for obscure and/or minor-label CD releases.

So have a look around, find some things to add to your collection, add some CDs to the database, and by all means, drop me an email if you have any suggestions for the site.

Ok, enough chit-chat! SHOW ME THE MUSIC!

What's New?

January 7, 2010 - Site overhaul; now uses the scripts and functionality of heavyharmonies.com.

Things Yet to be Done

1. Data entry, data entry, data entry.
2. LOTS of scanning
4. lyric archive (distant future).

That Which is Contained Herein

Anything and everything falling within the following catgories: classic heavy metal, NWOBHM, power metal, speed and thrash metal, death metal, black metal, doom, ambient metal, grindcore, industrial metal, and rap metal; limited to full-length albums and EPs. No unofficial releases, bootlegs, singles, etc.

If you're not sure whether or not a particular band falls within these constraints, just ask (realistically, it's an aesthetic judgment).

Music that is definitely NOT appropriate for this site: rap, dance, techno, AOR, hip-hop, rap, classical, rap, jazz, grunge, rap, straight industrial, rap, country, reggae, rap, oldies, folk, opera, rap, blues, soul, hard rock, r& b, and lastly, rap.

Christian Heavy Metal

For those who are looking for a new source for heavy metal, I recommend checking out Christian metal groups. While at times the "message" can get a bit heavy-handed, there is some extremely good music worth exploring. I personally am an agnostic, and my listening tendencies stress the overall sound rather than lyrics, so extremely faith-oriented lyrics have never bothered me. Your mileage may vary. :) I've attempted to denote Christian bands with a small logo next to the band name: [CCM LOGO] (which stands for Contemporary Christian Music).

Submitting CDs for Inclusion

Information to be added to these pages is more than welcome! Also, if you know of links to web pages about specific bands covered in my pages, let me know and I'll be glad to add them.

As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged. If you like the pages, let me know! If you think the pages suck, let me know what would make them better!

[insert band here] Ain't [insert genre here]

Take a chill pill....relax... Genre boundaries blur considerably. I take artistic license to put links to whatever bands I feel like. You no like? Make yer own damn pages. :)


Several people have gone out of their way to spend their valuable time doing data entry to make Brutal Metal a more complete repository of musical information. My thanks go out to them!



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