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Click on a flag icon to see a list of all of the hard rock, AOR, and melodic metal bands and musicians here at Brutal Metal from that country.


swedenB-ThongPower Metal
ukBal SagothBlack Metal
USAThe BanishmentIndustrial Metal
USABare BonesClassic Metal
USABarren Cross [CCM]Classic Metal
swedenBathoryBlack Metal
finlandBattagiaPower Metal
finlandBattle BeastClassic Metal
ukBlaze BayleyClassic Metal
finlandBeast In BlackClassic Metal
norwayBeautiful SinClassic Metal
finlandBeheritBlack Metal
USABeliever [CCM]Speed/Thrash
USABenedictumClassic Metal
polandAdrian BenegasPower Metal
australiaBengal TigersClassic Metal
USABernard Edwards Project HomicideDoom
estoniaBestiaDeath Metal
USABethledeignDeath Metal
norwayBethzaidaDeath Metal
germanyBetray My SecretsDeath Metal
israelBetrayerDeath Metal
canadaBetrayerDeath Metal
USABeyond FearClassic Metal
germanyBeyond The BlackPower Metal
germanyBeyond The BridgeProgressive Metal
swedenBiscayaClassic Metal
USABishop SteelClassic Metal
USABitter EndSpeed/Thrash
USABlack Label SocietyClassic Metal
australiaBlack MajestyPower Metal
ukBlack RoseNWOBHM
ukBlack SabbathClassic Metal
australiaBlack SteelPower Metal
ecuadorBlack SunClassic Metal
germanyBlack TearsClassic Metal
USABlack TideClassic Metal
swedenBlack TripClassic Metal
USABlack WidowPower Metal
swedenBlackburnsClassic Metal
USABlacklystClassic Metal
canadaBlackston GangClassic Metal
USABlackwelderPower Metal
USABlackwitchClassic Metal
USABlasted To StaticClassic Metal
ukBlazeClassic Metal

swedenBlazon StoneClassic Metal
germanyBlind DatePower Metal
ukBlind FuryNWOBHM
germanyBlind GuardianPower Metal
USABlind IllusionSpeed/Thrash
USABlind JusticeClassic Metal
germanyBlind Man's GunClassic Metal
USABlind WitnessSpeed/Thrash
USABlitzkriegClassic Metal
germanyBlitzzPower Metal
USABlood CovenBlack Metal
japanBlood Stain ChildDeath Metal
USABlood StormBlack Metal
norwayBlood TsunamiSpeed/Thrash
swedenBloodbathDeath Metal
swedenBloodboundClassic Metal
norwayBloodthornBlack Metal
germanyBloodDeath Metal
USABluddGothic Metal
USABlue SteelClassic Metal
USABody CountRap Metal
polandBoguslaw Balcerak's CrylordPower Metal
germanyBohse OnkelzClassic Metal
ukBolt ThrowerDeath Metal
USABonded By BloodSpeed/Thrash
swedenBook Of ReflectionsPower Metal
canadaBorealisPower Metal
norwayBorknagarBlack Metal
franceBorn AgainPower Metal
ukBorn Of IreSpeed/Thrash
germanyBourbon StreetSpeed/Thrash
australiaBowel MouthSpeed/Thrash
USABrainsicDeath Metal
germanyBrainstormPower Metal
USABraveClassic Metal
USABreakerPower Metal
 Breaking BenjaminNu Metal
swedenBrickClassic Metal
franceBroken EdgeSpeed/Thrash
swedenBrothers of MetalPower Metal
USABrutal InflictionDeath Metal
ukBullet For My ValentineSpeed/Thrash
USABurn the PriestSpeed/Thrash
USABurnerDeath Metal
italyBurning BlackClassic Metal
finlandBurning PointPower Metal
swissBurning WitchesClassic Metal
norwayBurzumBlack Metal
USAButcher BabiesNu Metal

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