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Classic Metal (499)
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Progressive Metal (165)
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Black Metal (56)
Doom (23)
Doom-Death (29)
Sludge Doom (9)
Stoner Doom (9)
Atmospheric Metal (19)
Folk Metal (12)
Gothic Metal (41)
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'90s Alternametal (42)
Industrial Metal (19)
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Defies Classification (41)

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Bands: 1765     CDS: 6589     Songs: 75247


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Click on a flag icon to see a list of all of the hard rock, AOR, and melodic metal bands and musicians here at Brutal Metal from that country.


greeceOH.Progressive Metal
USAObituaryDeath Metal
USAObsessionClassic Metal
australiaOctanicGothic Metal
swedenOctober TideDoom-Death
italyOdd DimensionProgressive Metal
USAOdd LogicProgressive Metal
USAOde To OrpheusProgressive Metal
greeceOdes Of EcstasyGothic Metal
USAOdinPower Metal
USAOf Gods and MonstersClassic Metal
netherlandsOfficium TristeDoom-Death
norwayOld Man's ChildBlack Metal
USAOmenClassic Metal
germanyOncePower Metal
USAOnwardPower Metal

italyOpera IXBlack Metal
swedenOpethDeath Metal
USAOpprobriumDeath Metal
USAOracleClassic Metal
USAOrdained Fate [CCM]Speed/Thrash
germanyOrden OganPower Metal
italyOrion RidersClassic Metal
greeceOrion's ReignPower Metal
israelOrphaned LandDeath Metal
netherlandsOsirisProgressive Metal
belgiumOstrogothClassic Metal
USAOtepRap Metal
swedenOtygFolk Metal
USAOutworldProgressive Metal
swedenOverdriveClassic Metal
 OverexertionRap Metal

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