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Click on a flag icon to see a list of all of the hard rock, AOR, and melodic metal bands and musicians here at Brutal Metal from that country.


canadaHaidukDeath Metal
ukHalfordClassic Metal
italyHallowedClassic Metal
USAHalloweenClassic Metal
USAHallows EveSpeed/Thrash
germanyHalls of OblivionDeath Metal
australiaHaloIndustrial Metal
finlandHammerBlack Metal
italyHammerClassic Metal
germanyHammer KingClassic Metal
swedenHammerfallPower Metal
USAKirk HammettClassic Metal
ukThe Handsome BeastsNWOBHM
brazilHangarPower Metal
germanyHansen and FriendsClassic Metal
USAHard BargainClassic Metal
swissHareClassic Metal
netherlandsHarrowPower Metal
USAHarter AttackSpeed/Thrash
USAHate PlowDeath Metal
denmarkHatesphereDeath Metal
USAHaunt Of JackalsClassic Metal
swedenThe HauntedDeath Metal
USAHauntClassic Metal
swedenHavayothGothic Metal
germanyHeadstone EpitaphPower Metal
germanyHeaven WardClassic Metal
ukHeaven and HellClassic Metal
germanyHeaven's GateClassic Metal
germanyHeavenWardPower Metal
franceHeavenlyPower Metal
swedenHeavy LoadClassic Metal
USAHeir ApparentClassic Metal
USAHelion PrimePower Metal
argentinaHelkerClassic Metal

USAHell FireClassic Metal
USAHell's KitchenSpeed/Thrash
USAHellYeahClassic Metal
croatiaHellcatsClassic Metal
germanyHelldoradosClassic Metal
swedenHellfueledClassic Metal
swissHellhammerBlack Metal
japanHellhoundClassic Metal
germanyHelloweenPower Metal
USAHellraiserClassic Metal
australiaHeminaProgressive Metal
 HeresiarhDefies Classification
brazilHevilanPower Metal
USAHigh SpiritsClassic Metal
germanyHigh TensionClassic Metal
italyHighlordPower Metal
 Highroad No. 28Nu Metal
spainHittenClassic Metal
USAHittmanPower Metal
australiaHobbs' Angel of DeathSpeed/Thrash
germanyWolf HoffmannClassic Metal
ukHollandClassic Metal
austriaHollenthonDeath Metal
ukHollow GroundNWOBHM
italyHollow HazeProgressive Metal
USAHoly GrailSpeed/Thrash
USAHolyHellClassic Metal
australiaHorizons EdgePower Metal
USAHot Action CopRap Metal
germanyHuman FortressPower Metal
germanyHunterClassic Metal
USAHuntressClassic Metal
franceHustlerClassic Metal
USAHydeClassic Metal
germanyHydra's FateProgressive Metal
swedenHypocrisyDeath Metal
swedenHystericaClassic Metal

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