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Search Results

The search found 279 CDs at Brutal Metal upon which Tim performed.

Musician Artist CD
"Lord" Tim GroseIlium Ilium
"Lord" Tim GroseIlium Permian Dusk
"Lord" Tim GroseIlium Vespertilion
Alexander Timander8 Point Rose Primigenia
Andy TimmonsKitt Wakeley Symphony of Sinners and Saints
AntimoProfanator Deathplagued
James Timbali CornwellWitherfall Vintage
Jeff Morty MortimerKage Shadow of Faith
Johannes Timander8 Point Rose Primigenia
John MortimerHolocaust Covenant
John MortimerHolocaust Hypnosis of Birds
John MortimerHolocaust Live (Hot Curry and Wine)
John MortimerHolocaust Live From The Raw Loud 'N' Live Tour
John MortimerHolocaust No Man's Land
John MortimerHolocaust Primal
John MortimerHolocaust The Courage To Be
John MortimerHolocaust The Nightcomers
Konstantin TimofeevWeeds in Vogue Buried Until Now
Lord TimEmpires Of Eden Songs Of War And Vengeance
Mighty Mo DestructimoLawnmower Deth Return of the Fabulous Metal Bozo Clowns
Mightymo DestructimoLawnmower Deth Ooh Crikey It's... Lawnmower Deth
Shann MortimerWehrmacht Biermacht
Shann MortimerWehrmacht Shark Attack
Simo PirttimaaShadow Tribe Reality Unveiled
Tim "Ripper" OwensBeyond Fear Beyond Fear
Tim "Ripper" OwensWinter's Bane Heart of a Killer
Tim "Tetzel" SchmidtAll For Metal Gods of Metal (Year of the Dragon)
Tim "Tetzel" SchmidtAll For Metal Legends
Tim 'Ripper' OwensHelker Somewhere In The Circle
Tim 'Ripper' OwensJudas Priest Live In London
Tim 'Ripper' OwensScheepers Scheepers
Tim AsmodeusPyogenesis Ignis Creatio
Tim BakerCirith Ungol Frost and Fire
Tim BakerCirith Ungol Frost and Fire / King of the Dead
Tim BakerCirith Ungol King of the Dead
Tim BakerCirith Ungol One Foot in Hell
Tim BakerCirith Ungol Paradise Lost
Tim BakerCirith Ungol Servants of Chaos
Tim BenzHeadstone Epitaph Power Games
Tim BlackmanFaith Or Fear Instruments of Death
Tim BlackmanFaith Or Fear Punishment Area
Tim BlackmanFaith Or Fear Titanium
Tim BoucheeHavocHate Cycle Of Pain
Tim BowlerHell Curse and Chapter
Tim BowlerHell Human Remains
Tim BreamMoral Anxiety Moral Anxiety
Tim BreidebandAt Vance Facing Your Enemy
Tim BrockInner Child Grounded For Life
Tim BroughtonChateaux Chained Desperate
Tim BroughtonChateaux Fight to the Last! The Anthology
Tim BroughtonChateaux Fire Power
Tim BroughtonChateaux Highly Strung
Tim BrownDeezl Ignite
Tim BrownPersian Risk Once A King
Tim BrownStriker City Of Gold
Tim BrownStriker Play to Win
Tim BrownStriker Stand In The Fire
Tim BrownStriker Ultrapower
Tim CalvertForbidden Distortion
Tim CalvertForbidden Green
Tim CalvertForbidden The Best of Forbidden: Point of no Return
Tim CalvertForbidden Twisted Into Form
Tim CalvertNevermore Dreaming Neon Black
Tim CalvertNevermore Manifesto of Nevermore
Tim CroninMonster Magnet Last Patrol
Tim CroninMonster Magnet Monster Magnet
Tim CroninMonster Magnet Spine of God
Tim CroninMonster Magnet Tab
Tim CuttsCradle of Filth Darkly Darkly Venus Aversa
Tim DelvallWhisper Reason To Survive
Tim EverettStrych-9 Not Like the Rest
Tim FlahertyHot Action Cop Hot Action Cop
Tim FleetwoodConquest Damnation
Tim FleetwoodConquest End of Days
Tim FleetwoodConquest End of Days (Second Version)
Tim FleetwoodConquest No Boundaries
Tim FleetwoodConquest Rage
Tim FleetwoodConquest The Killing Time
Tim FleetwoodConquest The War We Rage
Tim FleetwoodConquest The World Has Gone to Hell
Tim FleetwoodConquest Under The Influence
Tim FleetwoodConquest Wicked Ways
Tim HaleScreamer Target Earth
Tim HansenHansen and Friends XXX - Three Decades In Metal
Tim IvanMetal Tears Metal Tears
Tim JoyceHarlott Extinction
Tim KarrTraitor Shot Down
Tim KellyAtrophy Socialized Hate
Tim KellyAtrophy Violent By Nature
Tim KronyakDeliverance As Above, So Below
Tim KuperScarlet Stories Necrologies
Tim LambersonSaint Live '05
Tim LambersonSaint The Perfect Life
Tim LydonSummer Dying Beyond The Darkness Within
Tim MallareOverkill Bloodletting
Tim MallareOverkill Coverkill
Tim MallareOverkill From the Underground and Below
Tim MallareOverkill I Hear Black
Tim MallareOverkill Killbox 13
Tim MallareOverkill Necroshine
Tim MallareOverkill RELIXIV
Tim MallareOverkill The Killing Kind
Tim MallareOverkill Then and Now
Tim MallareOverkill W.F.O. (Wide Fucking Open)
Tim MallareOverkill Wrecking Your Neck Live
Tim McClelandLow Twelve Flesh Of The Weak
Tim MillsIced Earth Framing Armageddon
Tim MoodyMiles Beyond Discovery
Tim MoodyMiles Beyond Miles Beyond
Tim OwensIced Earth 5 Songs
Tim OwensIced Earth Framing Armageddon
Tim OwensIced Earth The Glorious Burden
Tim OwensKK's Priest Sermons of the Sinner
Tim OwensKK's Priest The Sinner Rides Again
Tim OwensSpirits of Fire Spirits of Fire
Tim PalmerTarja Colours In The Dark
Tim RashidAlmanac Kingslayer
Tim RashidAlmanac Rush of Death
Tim RickardLazy Bones Stew
Tim RileyDepth Charge Depth Charge
Tim Ripper OwensJudas Priest Metalogy Box Set Sampler
Tim Ripper OwensRipper Return to Death Row
Tim Ripper OwensTourniquet Gazing at Medusa
Tim Ripper OwensTributes Numbers from the Beast
Tim Ripper OwensWolfpakk Wolfpakk
Tim RothInto Eternity Buried In Oblivion
Tim RothInto Eternity Dead Or Dreaming
Tim RothInto Eternity Into Eternity
Tim RothInto Eternity The Incurable Tragedy
Tim RothInto Eternity The Scattering of Ashes
Tim SchmitzUDO We Are One
Tim SchnabelAtmosfear Zenith
Tim ScottHate Plow Everybody Dies
Tim SkoldMarilyn Manson Lest We Forget: The Best Of
Tim SkoldMarilyn Manson The Golden Age of Grotesque
Tim Stab VenomMeander A Song for the Sun
Tim VaughanTrampled Underfoot Trampled Underfoot
Tim WyskidaKhanate Khanate
Tim YatrasIlium Ageless Decay
Tim YatrasIlium Genetic Memory
Tim YatrasIlium My Misanthropia
Tim YatrasIlium Vespertilion
Tim YeungAgiel Dark Pantheons Again Will Reign
Tim ZahnVisionatica Enigma Fire
Timi HansenKing Diamond Abigail
Timi HansenKing Diamond Fatal Portrait
Timi HansenKing Diamond In Concert 1987 : Abigail
Timi HansenKing Diamond The Dark Sides
Timi HansenMercyful Fate Don't Break the Oath
Timi HansenMercyful Fate In the Shadows
Timi HansenMercyful Fate Melissa
Timi HansenMercyful Fate Mercyful Fate
Timi HansenMercyful Fate Return of the Vampire [The Rare and Unreleased]
Timi HansenMercyful Fate The Beginning
Timi HansenMercyful Fate The Best of Mercyful Fate
Timm FarrMorticia 13 Nightmares
Timmi BreidebandFreedom Call M.E.T.A.L.
Timmy ReevesMushroom Cult The Garden
Timmy RoughSinbreed IV
Timo KaarkoskiArmored Dawn Barbarians In Black
Timo KauppinenSilent Voices Chapter Of Tragedy
Timo KotipeltoAyreon Flight of the Migrator
Timo KotipeltoCain's Offering Gather The Faithful
Timo KotipeltoCain's Offering Stormcrow
Timo KotipeltoKotipelto Coldness
Timo KotipeltoKotipelto Serenity
Timo KotipeltoKotipelto Waiting for the Dawn
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Destiny
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Elements Part 1
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Elements Part 2
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Elysium
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Enigma: Intermission II
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Episode
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Eternal
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Fourth Dimension
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Heroes
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Infinite
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Intermission
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Live - Visions Of Europe
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Nemesis
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Polaris
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Stratovarius
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Survive
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius The Chosen Ones
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Unbreakable
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Under Flaming Winter Skies
Timo KotipeltoStratovarius Visions
Timo KotipeltoWarmen Accept The Fact
Timo KotipeltoWarmen Beyond Abilities
Timo KotipeltoWarmen Japanese Hospitality
Timo LehtinenKalmah They Will Return
Timo NiemistöVillieläin Julma Satu
Timo NokelainenMidnight Bullet Faraday Cage
Timo NokelainenMidnight Bullet Lose My Face
Timo OhlkeDarkness Conclusion and Revival
Timo SahlbergExcalion Primal Exhale
Timo SchneiderRebellion Wyrd Byd Ful Araed - The History Of The Saxons
Timo SomersDelain Apocalypse and Chill
Timo SomersDelain Hunter's Moon
Timo SomersDelain Lunar Prelude
Timo SomersDelain Moonbathers
Timo SomersDelain We Are The Others
Timo TolkkiAvantasia The Metal Opera
Timo TolkkiAvantasia The Metal Opera Part II
Timo TolkkiChaos Magic Chaos Magic
Timo TolkkiRevolution Renaissance Age Of Aquarius
Timo TolkkiRevolution Renaissance New Era
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Destiny
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Dreamspace
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Elements Part 1
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Elements Part 2
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Episode
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Fourth Dimension
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Fright Night
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Infinite
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Intermission
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Live - Visions Of Europe
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Stratovarius
Timo TolkkiStratovarius The Chosen Ones
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Twilight Time
Timo TolkkiStratovarius Visions
Timo TolkkiTimo Tolkki's Avalon Angels Of The Apocalypse
Timo TolkkiTimo Tolkki's Avalon Return to Eden
Timo TolkkiTimo Tolkki's Avalon The Land Of New Hope
Timo VaananenImperia Tears Of Silence
Timo VilppuSevernica Long Lost Longing
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Angels
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Back in Blood
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Blessed Be
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Bump 'n' Grind
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Devils
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Framed in Blood: The Very Blessed of the 69 Eyes
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Goth 'n' Roll
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Motor City Resurrection
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Paris Kills
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Savage Garden
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes The Best of Helsinki Vampires
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Wasting The Dawn
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes West End
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams
Timo-TimoThe 69 Eyes X
Timon BirkhoferLeaves' Eyes Legend Land
Timon BirkhoferLeaves' Eyes Lovelorn
Timon BirkhoferLeaves' Eyes Vinland Saga
Timon SchreiberLightmare The Fool
Timon SchreiberLightmare Vampires
Timothy "Nibbs" CarterThomsen Let's Get Ruthless
Timothy BrownStriker Striker
Timothy GainesOf Gods and Monsters Sons of Armageddon
Timothy HartDigital Ruin Dwelling in the Out
Timothy HartDigital Ruin Listen
Timothy KlettiMorticia 13 Nightmares
Timothy MillerArma Angelus Where Sleeplessness is Rest From Nightmares
Timothy VegaKobra And The Lotus Kobra And The Lotus
TimoDesertion Desertion
TimPyogenesis Sweet X-Rated Nothings / Waves Of Erotasia
TimRain Fell Within Believe
TimRain Fell Within Refuge
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Acoustic Adventures Volume One
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Acoustic Adventures Volume Two
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Clear Cold Beyond
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Don't Say A Word
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Ecliptica - Revisited (15th Anniversary Edition)
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica For The Sake Of Revenge
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Live In Finland
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Orientation
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Pariah's Child
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Reckoning Night
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Silence
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Songs Of Silence - Live In Tokyo
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Stones Grow Her Name
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Takatalvi
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Talviyo
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica The Days Of Grays
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica The End Of This Chapter
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica The Ninth Hour
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Unia
Tommy PortimoSonata Arctica Winterheart's Guild
Tracy TimmelMaximus Fire Of Rage


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