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After Forever Band Picture

After Forever

Prison Of Desire

After Forever Homepage

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Category: Gothic Doom

Year: 2000

Label: Hellion (BRA) / Transmission (NL)

Catalog Number: HEL682

Average Rating: 75 / 100 (1 rating)

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After Forever Prison Of Desire Album Cover

Floor Jansen soprano
Mark Jansen guitars, screams
Sander Gommans guitars, grunts
Jack Driessen synths
Luuk Van Gerven bass
Joep Beckers drums

Additional musicians
Sharon Den Adel soprano from Within Temptation (guest appearence) on Beyond Me
Hans Cassa bass (choir)
Caspar De Jonge tenor (choir)
Yvonne Rooda alto (choir)
Melissa't Hart soprano (choir)

First full-length album.
1.  Mea Culpa (The Embrace That Smothers - Prologue)  1:59
2.  Leaden Legacy (The Embrace That Smothers - Part I)  5:04
3.  Semblance of Confusion  4:06
4.  Black Tomb  6:26
5.  Follow in the Cry (The Embrace That Smothers - Part II)  4:03
6.  Silence from Afar  5:51
7.  Inimical Chimera  4:57
8.  Tortuous Threnody  6:10
9.  Yield to Temptation (The Embrace That Smothers - Part III)  5:50
10.  Ephemeral  3:03
11.  Beyond Me  6:10
Total Running Time:  53:39

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Brutal Metal forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular After Forever CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Brutal Metal as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from After Forever are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: jack b nimble Date: February 28, 2001 at 12:11
boy-o-boy and I thought tristania sucked ass

From: martin lanza Date: March 1, 2001 at 9:54
is great wanderfaul is good enjoy.

From: katastrofemx Date: March 1, 2001 at 14:09
this is the best music enjoy it for all world; a fan of this kind of music from Reynosa Mexico

From: diz Date: March 6, 2001 at 5:36
one of the best Doom/Gothic bands after Theatre Of Tragedy (Not considering their last album)

From: ruken Date: July 18, 2001 at 19:07
Excellent. Not much more to say about it, other than the new Theater of Tragedy SUCKS. Music like this is what gothic/doom is all about.

From: The Boz Date: December 29, 2001 at 9:07
Excellent album! Elements of Nightwish and Therion combine to make a dark and lovely album. Floor Jansen's voice blew me away.

From: feeble! Date: February 8, 2002 at 11:56
dude,this album fucking Rocks!!!!!!

From: eyerock36 Date: March 30, 2002 at 9:59
This is a very powerful album, with beauty, drama, tension & release, passion...the 'beauty and the beast' type vocals are some of the best in the genre....this album is definitely worth the fifteen bucks it costs....'Follow in the Cry' is one of the best songs I've ever heard....I couldn't say enough good things about this album. These artists should be given credit for having a brilliant vision of what their music can do and succeeding in bringing it about. VERY ENJOYABLE!

From: janu Date: June 27, 2002 at 1:36
i love melissa, swearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

From: Yudhi Ardian Date: November 8, 2002 at 21:57
Thanx for giving me an inspiration from your great three sample songs, from your web.'Leaden Legacy, Follow In The Sky(or 'CRY'??)and Yield To Temptation'. That was The GREAT SONGS that i've ever heard, SWEAR. I am Yudhi Ardian, 28th, Male. I'm An Announcer in Radio Suara Sakti 105.1 FM, in Semarang, Central Java Indonesia. To be Continued...........

From: Yudhi Ardian Date: November 8, 2002 at 22:07
In our Radio (SUARA SAKTI 105.1 FM) i have a special METAL program 'Rock On The Weekend MONSTER OF ROCK'. Do you know how i like your songs, and i play your sample songs(although not complette) in our Radio. Would you like to send me CD sample, please? To : Yudhi Ardian Radio Suara Sakti 105.1 FM Semarang, Center of Java, 50231, Indonesia. My e-mail: My mobil phone : +62817453511 or +628122513933... Thanx A lot Friends, I Love You All and I wait your sample...

From: Rycheage Date: May 16, 2003 at 2:36
This is easily some of the best 'Beauty & the Beast' metal on the circuit today. Its an absolute must purchase for all fans of this style, and for anyone who wants to know what this style of music is all about, After Forever is the definitive place to start. Its also one of the most diverse sounding discs in this style as well and should appeal to many of the progressive metal fans as well as metal fans.

From: Eternity Date: August 17, 2003 at 9:46
This, my pale skined freinds, is it. the top of the Gothic Metal world. After Forever is symply the best. A pure voice from the enchantress Floor and a choir of agonizied screams from mark combine with a choir of lost souls to form a masterpeice of suffering, disire, lust, and embrace. My overall rating is a blood chilling, bone breaking slit my rist from pleasure 10. And as a personal note to the band keep the sorrow coming, as I look forward to a long journey of macabre and pleasure from your

From: jason cadivida Date: April 8, 2004 at 13:18
another great artist from the likes of tristania, myriads and sirenia. it could even defeat theater of tragedy now.

From: Revskie Date: December 22, 2004 at 9:15
Very very very great allllllbummmmmmmmmmmmmmm...................... .......your the Besttt

From: jpbanzuela Date: October 8, 2005 at 0:30
First time I heard it. It Blew me away. The WAY Gothic should be.

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