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The Mechanics of Perilous Times
Ultimatum Homepage
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Category: Thrash Metal
Year: 2001
Label: Gutter Records
Catalog Number: GUT CD0040
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Scott Waters vocals
Robert Gutierrez guitar
Steve Trujillo guitars
Tom Michaels bass
Sean Griego drums, percussion
1. | Temple of the Spirit | 3:20 |
2. | Greed Regime, Inc. | 7:25 |
3. | Perilous Times | 4:40 |
4. | Shroud of Science | 4:01 |
5. | Crash Course | 5:33 |
6. | Warlord's Sword | 3:54 |
7. | The Purging | 7:25 |
8. | Burn | 3:49 |
9. | MutaMitlu | 5:18 |
10. | Violence and Bloodshed | 3:20 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 48:45 |
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long as they are at least 4 songs in length.
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Existing comments about this CD
From: The Irish |
Date: December 12, 2002 at 18:29 |
This is the third album from these New Mexico thrash monsters, and without a doubt their best so far.There are two verey noticeable improvements on this CD that anyone who has listened to Ultimatum in the past will pick up on, being the production and the severe aggressiveness of the playing and the songs themselves. The playing is top notch, bringing back the glory days of bands like Overkill and Exodus, and it is eas y to har that each member of the band put their all into the songwriting and
From: Scott |
Date: February 5, 2003 at 14:41 |
KILLER THRASH METAL in the tradition of Forbidden and especially Exodus. Ultimatum has their own sound but what continues to change with each album is their speed, intensity, and the vocals. The vox on this disc vary from song to song. They still retain the snake-like hiss of past albums but add elements of death metal and even some more melodic parts. Of the three cds, this one is my favorite. "Burn" is a Vengeance Rising cover. Fans of Overkill and Exodus, check these guys out.
From: ZachAttack |
Date: February 5, 2003 at 16:25 |
This disc is a killer! Few thrashers out there today can still deliver the goods like Ultimatum can. The twin guitar attack is simply one of the best in the genre today, and the concussive force of the drums will crack your neck like a whip. Top off this mixture with the well written lyrics, and fierce vocals, and you're in for an intense ride. No poseurs here, this is one for the truly hard! Like the last song says...Is that violent enough for ya?
From: Rex |
Date: February 5, 2003 at 16:42 |
I agree with everything said so far. This is an AWESOME display of thrash metal the way its meant to be! Shredding and in your face! Nuff' said!
From: Gizog |
Date: February 5, 2003 at 19:42 |
Killer thrash. A must have for any fans of bands like Exodus, Overkill and so on. If you like thrash you'd better snag a copy!!!!!!
From: arttie1manparty |
Date: February 6, 2003 at 5:06 |
There are literally NO bands that still practice this style of music without throwing in the "nu-" aspects of today's music scene! If you are a fan of the Bay Area sound, a la Testament, and the vocal style of Exodus, Overkill, and a hint of Metal Church, then Ultimatum is for you!!! This album, along with its 2 predecessors "Puppet OF Destruction" and "World Of Sin" are examples of what used to be awesome about thrash metal, and the way the genre can STILL be played!!! Rock on Scott and Co!
From: StayHeavy13 |
Date: February 6, 2003 at 13:20 |
Excellent Power Thrash. This cd is a MUST HAVE!
From: kmorg |
Date: February 6, 2003 at 19:36 |
One excelent thrash album indeed. They have really perfected their sound, and delivered their best album so far. I have high hopes for further releases by them.
From: WRBC megatrends |
Date: February 6, 2003 at 21:37 |
I have 3 of their efforts and honestly believe they are one of the best metal bands to ever be a band. No kidding, I should explain that I am a metal disk jockey and have received and or played everything at one point over the last 10 years. What a great band and a very well kept secret. I would love to see this band dominate if ever given financial tour support from a great label. Yes they are a Christian band butI am not a born again Christian, I just love better than average metal music and f
From: Neil 'D_Lister' |
Date: February 9, 2003 at 7:35 |
This is a great CD of a band who has stayed true to their roots from the beginning. Thrash is alive an well thanks to Ultimatum and while so many bands try to keep thrash going and end up sounding stale and stagnant Ult. does a KILLER job of brining the old style music up to date. Guitar riffs that shred phenominal drumming and bass work for a backbone and Overkill-esq vocals all combine to bring forth a frenzy that must be heard. Not to mention; Vengenace Rising cover tune RULES Burn Satan BURN
From: MuchMan |
Date: June 24, 2003 at 19:24 |
Great Thrash metal, great song writing, great production, but where did that singer come from? Oh well, the vocals mixed into the rest makes for a fantastic CD. Keep it up guys!
From: tailgunner |
Date: September 10, 2003 at 10:16 |
ese trujillo tiene algo que ver cn el nuevo bajista de metallica?
From: Raven |
Date: October 20, 2004 at 14:45 |
Great metal album with a unique singer who can growl, scream and sing. Surprisingly these guys are a Christian band. They are certainly unique in that area too! One of the best thrash albums in the last 5 years along with bands like Exodus, Death Angel and Sodom.
From: Raven |
Date: October 20, 2004 at 14:46 |
I should also not that my copy is on Gutter Records and distributed by Massacre Records and was released in 2001. Is there any difference between my copy and the 2000 Self-released CD?
From: Scott |
Date: November 19, 2004 at 11:31 |
No, there is no difference between the Germany release and the U.S. release other than the artwork on the CD itself. The songs, mastering, cover, etc. are all exactly the same.
From: Freddy |
Date: December 21, 2004 at 11:30 |
my copy is on Gutter Records too. mine is autographed as well!!!
From: MetalMan |
Date: December 25, 2004 at 20:06 |
One of the unsung heros of heavy metal. The vocalist sounds like a mixture of Udo, Zetro and a troll. Quite unique. Heavy riffs! Screamin' solos! This CD rules! If you like thrash, get it!!!
From: Jesse |
Date: February 7, 2005 at 14:44 |
Another underrated thrash outfit. They are held back by their "Christian" name tag. This is a shame because the music equals the likes of any band from their genre. Their vocalist often gets compared to Udo and Zetro, but he is quite unique. Perhaps a tad of an acquired taste for some, but even the worst critic will admit he has his own style. I think it works well. 9/10
From: JeffdlS |
Date: July 26, 2006 at 11:19 |
Yes, folks, if you want to listen to some awesome thrash, you can't go wrong with Ultimatum. "Mechanics of Perilous Times" is the latest from Ultimatum and it just kicks. "Temple of the Spirit" is an awesome song (you can find it on BlastBeats Extreme Music Sampler 4). "Crash Course" is another truly metal song. But the best song is "Violence & Bloodshed". The next album will undoubtably be even better than this one.
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