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Cowboys From Hell
Pantera Homepage
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Category: Speed/Thrash
Year: 1990
Label: Atlantic
Catalog Number: 7 91372-2
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Phillip Anselmo Vocals
Diamond Darrell Guitars
Rex Brown Bass
Vinnie Paul Drums
1. | Cowboys From Hell | 4:06 |
2. | Primal Concrete Sledge | 2:13 |
3. | Psycho Holiday | 5:19 |
4. | Heresy | 4:45 |
5. | Cemetery Gates | 7:03 |
6. | Domination | 5:02 |
7. | Shattered | 3:21 |
8. | Clash With Reality | 5:15 |
9. | Medicine Man | 5:15 |
10. | Message in Blood | 5:09 |
11. | The Sleep | 5:47 |
12. | The Art of Shredding | 4:16 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 57:31 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: TIM |
Date: May 26, 2002 at 22:40 |
This album kicks some serious ass. Highly recommended.
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: July 20, 2002 at 17:49 |
Yep! This is a great album. There isn't one bad tune on here.
From: death |
Date: September 19, 2002 at 16:37 |
this album dosnt have 1 good song on the wosless peice of shit
From: Sukomoco |
Date: September 24, 2002 at 16:20 |
El mejor disco de pantera. Con todos sus clasicos y con su mejor cancion, yo creo la primera balada trash que se conoce en la historia cemetery gates, preciosa!!
From: The Fizzy One |
Date: October 27, 2002 at 20:48 |
Me likes it. It's my second favorite Pantera album, after Vulgar. Phil can actually SING on this one, imagine that! The Fizz Picks: 'Cowboys From Hell,' 'Primal Concrete Sledge,' 'Cemetary Gates' (check out Phil's howl of total anguish near the end), 'DOmination' (great chugging section near the end), 'Medicine Man,' 'The Sleep,' and 'The Art of Shredding.'
From: me like pantera |
Date: December 13, 2002 at 6:41 |
To Death: What the Hell are you thinking? this album is fucking awsome, and all you twats who hath it are going to find themselves headless one day. Although i might only rip their throats out, just to save time.
From: Fat Freddy |
Date: February 16, 2003 at 20:32 |
This is the only Pantera album I own, and that's because it't the ONLY good Pantera album... they were so promising here, but since then they've been so busy trying to be the heaviest, fastest, loudest, most abrasive, most annoying band that they forgot one thing... WRITE GOOD SONGS. Maybe if Anselmo wasn't in fifteen bands at the same time he'd be able to focus on the one that pays his bills!
From: akshay |
Date: May 26, 2003 at 10:10 |
cementary gates is just awsome one great number i've ever heard. good going panthera boyz i lik it
From: death killer |
Date: June 16, 2003 at 9:02 |
oh, you're dead, death. Pantera is the best metal band ever, beating the shit out of pretty much every other band out there except slipknot, mudvayne, sepultura, godsmack, the red hot chili peppers and black sabbath, and this is the best metal album in the history of heavy metal. i cant think of a single album better than it, and if there is one i havent heard it yet. i probably never will. go back to youre backstreet boys and britney spears albums you fucking faggot.
From: |
Date: October 14, 2003 at 5:48 |
Pantera do suck!This album is an obvious exception.I do respect the band though simply because of this album & the vital role it played in popularizing metal. Cowboys from Hell was the first Metal album to hit number 1 worldwide on Billboard, and Cemetary Gates is an absolute masterpiece! Nonetheless, what happened to this band after this album, I guess fame got the better of them. Man do they suck on their other albums! But I'd still take them over other garbage as Slipknot and Godsmack anyday!
From: PanterA |
Date: October 19, 2003 at 3:51 |
Yeah this alum kicks ass pretty much u should listen to vulgar display of power too damn i think al those poser people who are listening to slipknot should fuck off this album rullez! :@
From: cowboyfromhell |
Date: October 23, 2003 at 8:09 |
the best pantera album ever this album is really superb
From: iris |
Date: April 13, 2004 at 6:21 |
damm right 'true death'! 'believe the word, I'll kill you, you fucking people who dare to compare those mtv bands to king pantera!!!
From: |
Date: April 26, 2004 at 19:51 |
The guitar solo in «the sleep» is the best ever. You simply can't resist jumping around and performing your best air guitar while you listen to this perfect masterpiece! The whole album just takes you away for an hour... I never jump over any song, there's none you wanna miss! That's definetely one of my top five albums ever, along with Kill 'em all, Painkiller, Somewhere in Time and Iced Earth's Alive in Athens... you can go back home listening to your godsmack and mudvayne with your mommy
Brutal Metal Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: April 28, 2004 at 9:06 |
I think this is easily Pantera's best offering. Vulgar Display was pretty good too, but IMHO they went downhill REAL quick after that with Phil's obsession with hating and crushing everything (somebody's got an inferiority complex....). Dimebag smokes on every album though, no doubt.
From: Sukomoco |
Date: May 6, 2004 at 16:57 |
The best one...we gotta a band here in Spain really similar to Pantera...if u want u can have a look at it.It's called KOMA. www.sukomoco.tk
From: jack |
Date: June 4, 2004 at 2:10 |
Panthera's best album! Wow, a major change in their musical style. much more heavier than thier previous three album. 80'S GLAM/HAIR METAL TO SPEED/THRASH METAL.
From: orizonte azulll |
Date: July 5, 2004 at 17:15 |
sei la mas o pantera não manda bem......MANDA BEM PRA KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALHO!!!!!!!!!
From: Cop killer |
Date: July 24, 2004 at 18:08 |
Pantera fucking rocks especially in this album. This is the kind of shit you hear right before your getting ready to rip someones head off. Nooo Waaay PUNK!!!!
From: holy metal |
Date: September 5, 2004 at 5:27 |
Cowboys from Hell is a fuckin masterpiece, these album has the best trashmetal balad cementery gates and vinnie makes a fuckin speed album PANTERA RULES!!!
From: Steve |
Date: October 22, 2004 at 9:25 |
Cowboys from Hell is a classic track and a classic album. This and Vulgur Display of power are their best albums till u can tell that Phil was taking a different direction musically.
From: Sdfegtsfg |
Date: December 9, 2004 at 9:31 |
Man im in fucking tears!! Oh man!! I cant believe wat happend to Dimebag!! I hope that guy who shot him is Rotting in fucking hell right now!!!! Fucking dickhead!! I bet u anything it was a fucking gangsta or some dick from the west side!!! I HATE HIM!!! Ive never been glad that someone has been dead before but now ill make an exception! Dimebag Darrel: Gone but not forgotten!!
From: Metalhead66 |
Date: December 9, 2004 at 12:15 |
Dimebag..May you Rest in peace Such a fuckin senseless loss...may your GREAT GUITAR PLAYING AND SOUL LIVE ON IN HEAVEN ETERNALLY... Such a sad sad sad Day...The Void Will NEVER EVER BE FILLED!!!!
From: Metal T |
Date: December 9, 2004 at 13:43 |
While i never really cared for 'Pantera',i always thought that DD (R.I.P.)was the one bright spot of that band.A unique player,i often wished he would just solo over Anselmo's vocal parts (if you know what i mean).Kudos to the cop who pulled the trigger on the nut,he without a doubt put an end to what might have been further onslaught. ----
From: TooNeYDWS |
Date: December 10, 2004 at 0:03 |
anyone who couldn't appreciate the sheer talent and raw energy that PANTERA brought to the world of thrash metal is a moron... Dimebag had some of the greatest fingers on frets in the world... known around the world... and will be mourned around the world... like Lennon before him... a genius gunned down by a fan... PANTERA was the Abbott Brothers... way before Anselmo was a part of their music... and after... even if they changed the name to Damageplan... another great one lost... only in Ameri
From: cool it u niger |
Date: June 19, 2005 at 23:04 |
give it a rest pantera is awesome stop dissin or ull die u gay nerds keep it 2 ur self just cuz ur not kool enuff to listen to it,oh if you like this one there all good you idiots!
From: Andrew |
Date: July 15, 2005 at 2:57 |
This classic gem of an album appeared just as soulless grunge began to take over the music scene. Memorabale tracks include the title track, 'Domination', 'Heresy', and 'Psycho Holiday'. This is one of Pantera's Big Three 'must own' albums, along with 'Power Metal' and 'Vulgar Display'.
From: |
Date: August 11, 2005 at 1:41 |
I seen pantera play at the mall before phil joined pantera cfh is a classic and gstk is killer....... so called grunge music kicked ass nirvana the melvins green river mother love bone mudhoney soundgarden bikini kill L7 and all the bands that didnt mojor label contracts poison sucks bo jovi cinderral warrant all those shit bands sucked and the trash sceen was getting stagnated and the label were pumping out talentless shit bands
From: halfordhughes |
Date: June 2, 2011 at 14:16 |
this is their best!
From: Leykis101 |
Date: March 16, 2013 at 16:50 |
What a fucking riff this album opens up with, I see and feel it so vividly, in my 8th grade art class, I had taken my lawn mowing cash down to the local music store, and didnt want anything they had, so the guy who worked there, knew me well, and told me about this album that had came out that day, new albums released on Tuesdays, he put this on the store stereo, and that opening riff on CFH blared out of the speakers, and when that riff opened into the entire band thundering in,I really didn't know how to react, my brain, and body were so blown away, and dumbfounded, I really had no idea how to act, or react to what I was hearing, I bought that motherfucker before the vocals had even began, I sat in my art class the very next morning, with my Sony Walkman, and every time CFH would end, I would rewind it, and listen to it again, I think i re-winded that opening riff 100 times, I don't think I listened to anything past CFH until after like the 2ND week I had the tape,LEGENDARY!!
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: August 3, 2013 at 22:16 |
Pantera come out swinging with their major-label debut, the only vestige of their cock-rock past being Phil's occasional Halford-like shrieks. If the songs aren't quite as heavy as they will soon become,Dimebag's signature razor tone and chunky style are mostly in place, from the opening title track's indelible riff onward. "Primal Concrete Sledge" sounds exactly like its title, while "Psycho Holiday" injects a bit of a hip-shaking southern swagger. "Domination" has the kind of slow-chugging riff that willl become a Pantera trademark, and almost every other track is a standout in some way. Of special note is "Cemetary Gates," an anguished "ballad" (at least by Pantera's standards), alternating sorrow and rage and ending with Phil and Dime trading piercing howls. As much as we love to rub the first four albums in, it's no wonder the band chose to "officially" begin their career here, as Cowboys From Hell is really the birth of thePantera most of us came to know and love. Only minor comp
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: August 3, 2013 at 22:17 |
... Only minor complaint is a somewhat tinny production, at least compared to whatwas to follow. In 1990, this was state-of-the-art.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: March 24, 2018 at 10:10 |
Brutal album!!!...tracks # 1(great!),2,3,6,7,9 & 12 are the ones in my book of metal...saying something additional about this Record is just a filler space...everything has been already said.86/100
From: hair metal again |
Date: August 28, 2023 at 12:27 |
excellent album for PANTERA that somehow developed thrash music through the 90 s !their sound reminds me of METALLICA s Justice being groovy with monster riffs,howling vocals and strong rhythm section!Cowboys From Hell is flawless and its strength is like dynamite.love it!
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