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The Great Southern Trendkill
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Category: Speed/Thrash
Year: 1996
Label: Atlantic
Catalog Number: 61908-2
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Philip Anselmo vocals
Dimebag Darrell guitars
Rex Brown bass
Vinnie Paul drums
1. | The Great Southern Trendkill | 3:46 |
2. | War Nerve | 4:53 |
3. | Drag the Waters | 4:55 |
4. | 10's | 4:49 |
5. | 13 Steps to Nowhere | 3:37 |
6. | Suicide Note Pt. I | 4:44 |
7. | Suicide Note Pt. II | 4:19 |
8. | Living Through Me (Hell's Wrath) | 4:50 |
9. | Floods | 6:59 |
10. | The Underground in America | 4:33 |
11. | (Reprise) Sandblasted Skin | 5:39 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 53:04 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Hardcore Cock |
Date: May 23, 2002 at 22:33 |
Every trendy poser band should listen to this album and hear what an actual true to life band sounds like. The first track an athem to all hardcore fans. I swear the day I meet Creed or any other poser band they are getting my fist in their grill. This band is as true and hasrdcore as they come. Panfuckingtera, just go to one of their concerts, you will see.
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: July 20, 2002 at 17:59 |
It took me a little while to get use to this one, but This is a tough album!
From: The Fizzy One |
Date: October 27, 2002 at 21:07 |
My third favorite Pantera album, not that far behind Cowboys (my #2). Something about this album is just DISTURBING. The Fizz Picks: 'War Nerve,' '10's,' '13 Steps to Nowhere,' 'Suicide Note Pt. I' (this song ruined my whole day when I first heard it, and I'm not even bipolar), 'Floods' (if the world is to end, as some say, wioth a whimper instead of a bang, this is what it will sound like--VERY creepy vocal effects and a howling, wailing solo) and 'Underground in America.'
From: Aaron |
Date: February 7, 2003 at 15:27 |
I dont give a shit what anybody says.TRENDKILL is the heaviest fucking album ever released on this planet.Other singers in heavy bandstry to sound heavy.But Phil is 4real...it sounds like comlete fury.And as flawless asthe band isbehind him makes it a complete metalmasterpeice.I would not want 2 get into an argument with that motherfuker......
From: bobbyjonson |
Date: February 19, 2003 at 4:00 |
trendkill is by far the heavisest PanterA albums. It is named accordingly. Just when Metallica was at their peak of selling out along with all metal in general, PanfukingterA jams it up ur ass. Suicide note Pt. II by far a true METAL song.
From: psychoglen |
Date: June 22, 2003 at 1:18 |
I didn't think Pantera would be able to follow up Far Beyond Driven. I was proven wrong.
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: July 4, 2003 at 13:56 |
Damn! You talk about sticking the knife in and turning it around, that's exactly what this album does to you. Not their best, but it's definitely a 'in your face' kind of album. Songs to check out: Suicide Note Pt. I & II, Living Through Me (Hells' Wrath), Drag The Waters, and The Great Southern Trendkill.
From: Rich |
Date: July 13, 2003 at 2:32 |
Diz kicks ass, I love it man, if u didn't notice they have phil singing the lyrics while a nother person is screaming. They have 2 people doing that thats pritty cool at fist I though phil was doing that screaming but It was 2 high 4 phil lol!!
From: jason (FA - Q) |
Date: July 13, 2003 at 12:38 |
Who is the other guy that is doing the screaming?
From: SouthRock |
Date: June 4, 2004 at 14:25 |
This is the ultimate metal album ever, nothing sounds as aggressive as this one, well, many try, but when you put this on full volume, you will blow up your whole neighbourhood. Pantera has reinvented the steel before it actually existed!!!! YEAH!!
From: SouthRock |
Date: June 4, 2004 at 14:30 |
well, one more thing, Pantera seems 2 be getting harder and more raw every album!!! Most bands become softer every album, look at the pathetic metallica, i never liked that shit, back in the days, even anthrax kicked metallicas ass....losers!!! Pantera kicks everybodys ass!!!
From: Metalhead66 |
Date: December 9, 2004 at 12:23 |
It didn't need to happen...... The loss is Endless.................................................................................
From: Leykis101 |
Date: January 20, 2013 at 3:19 |
The answer to all the preps, jocks, student body officers, cheerleaders, and any and all other sub class bandwagon jumpers who thought it was cool after they discovered Metallica really weren't Satan worshipers, and they perceived the next logical step as Vulgar Display Of Power, well, they knew it was time, to unload the extra baggage, and boy did they do a fucking tits job! This is the most extreme, hardfuckingcore, devastating release, Pantera release, maybe all time release, ever, just insanity. what more can be said?
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: August 5, 2013 at 0:44 |
This is kind of the forgotten Pantera album, as 1996 was a bad year for metal, and even these lonely torchbearers weren't getting the attention they had with previous albums. Headbanger's Ball was no more, metal on radio was almost nonexistent, even compared to '94. It was the year of Load, and yet Pantera rolled out an album that contains both their heaviest and softest moments. Trendkill just has a palpable feeling of nihilism and mental illness about it. You could make the case for past songs like "A New Level," "Rise," and even "Fucking Hostile" having an ultimately positive message of self-reliance and honesty, but on Trendkill, it's all a nightmarish head trip. "War Nerve" has an absolutely killer, jackhammering riff, but Phil screams his lungs out over it. "Drag The Waters" was the obvious choice for a single, being more restrained and almost fun (COWBELL!) Then you get the shockingly mellow, emotional "Suicide Note Pt. I" and its completely unhinged companion in "Pt. II."
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: August 5, 2013 at 0:52 |
Also on the softer side is the morose "10's," and the devastating "Floods," with what might be Dime's best solo ever. One thing Pantera were great at doing, that people tend to overlook, was making the music sound exactly like the lyrics describe. "Suicide Note Pt. I" actually sounds like what you might feel if you were sitting there with the razor blade in your hand or waiting for the gas to take effect. "Floods" actually sounds like a cataclysmic, possibly world-ending flood. Phil sings more on Trendkill than he did on Far Beyond Driven, but his melodies are odd and deeply unsettling. He also uses more of a deranged scream than his semi-tuneful bellow, and there's more of that baritone, disembodied spoken stuff. Dime tuned down to his lowest point on Trendkill, giving the music even more heaviness. Even with a few less-than-great tracks, the all-out heaviness and that authentic feeling of the band just not being right in the head, make this my third-favorite Pantera disc.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: December 3, 2013 at 16:57 |
Pantera with an album that has what i can call a southern metal feel sound in it ..."Drag The Waters" was the "hit single" in here that was backed up with a kinda disturbed video /m/ ...tracks 1,2,7,8,10 & 11 are also pretty wild ones as well...87/100
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