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Testament Band Picture


The New Order

Testament Homepage

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Category: Thrash Metal

Year: 1988

Label: Magaforce

Catalog Number: SR 81849-4

Average Rating: 91 / 100 (5 ratings)

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Testament The New Order Album Cover

Chuck Billy vocals
Alex Skolnick lead guitars
Eric Peterson rhythm guitars
Greg Christian bass
Louie Clemente drums
1.  Eerie Inhabitants  5:05
2.  The New Order  4:27
3.  Trial by Fire  4:15
4.  Into the Pit  2:46
5.  Hypnosis  2:05
6.  Disciples of the Watch  5:06
7.  The Preacher  3:38
8.  Nobody's Fault  3:56  Cover: Aerosmith
9.  A Day of Reckoning  4:00
10.  Musical Death (A Dirge)  4:03
Total Running Time:  39:21

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Brutal Metal forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Testament CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Brutal Metal as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Testament are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: blow puff Date: July 31, 2002 at 18:07
Truly Phonomenal.If ur not a fan ur a cock

From: testament Date: December 19, 2002 at 19:52
blow puff u r so rite. This is 1 of the best metal albums around. Its got everything rolled into 10 amazing tracks. 2 pieces of advice get stoned to musical death and c them at the london astoria april 8th

From: jarett r. Date: January 13, 2003 at 17:29
testament were originally known as legacy. they recorded a demo tape as legacy circa 1986 with steve souza on lead vocals. steve souza was also in exodus. steve souza and john tempesta were both in both exodus and testament.

From: Peter Date: March 10, 2003 at 14:43
trial by fire is my fav. song whats everyone elses? by the way, does anybody have any good power metal bands to reccomend?

From: Keenan Date: October 30, 2003 at 13:53
This album fucking rocks!!! its excellent and in your face my fav. ones off it are The Preacher, Eerie Inhabitants, The New Order, Trial By Fire, and my ultimate favorite 'Into The Pit' get it its their best one also check out 'The Ritual'

From: Keenan Date: February 4, 2004 at 13:02
I Love this CD to death 'Into The Pit' is my favorite tune as well as The New Order, The Preacher, Eerie Inhabitants, Trial By Fire, and lastly Nobody's Fault...if ya like this then 'The Ritual' is just as good but this is my fav. Testament CD

From: Shannon Date: June 20, 2004 at 21:39
This and The Legacy are my 2 favorite Testament albums

From: Metal T Date: August 25, 2004 at 9:33
Further proof that Alex' Skolnick' is a great guitar player.Really dug old 'Testament' 87-90.'The Legacy'--'Souls Of Black' era.While they'll never top 'The Legacy','The New Order' is solid as h*ll . -- Like most of the Bay area' bands : Exodus,Forbidden,Vio-lence,Heathen,Death Angel,Old Metallica,etc...These guys delivered . -----

From: Steve Date: September 4, 2004 at 9:28
My favourite song is 'Disciples of the Watch'.

From: awesome Date: March 1, 2005 at 15:44
theinstrumentalsare awesome too testament owns and is insanewicked

From: awesome Date: March 1, 2005 at 15:45
testament was awesome until low i dont likedeath metal as much as thrash fhcfkhjg

From: Scott Date: March 2, 2005 at 10:59
Wow, the intelligence level around here is astounding! Recent posts aside, I agree that this is a great CD. Testament's The New Order is simply one of the finest thrash albums to come out of the 80's. Billy sounds great! Skolnick and Peterson are great guitar players. The songs are heavy and aggressive, yet they are memorable and chock full of hooks. What more could you ask for?

From: viking king Date: March 5, 2005 at 0:24

From: juan carlos Date: June 13, 2008 at 21:58
Hell Yeahh.. Discazo inconmesurable de estos fundadores(uno) del Thrash en la Bay Area. Sin dudas a la par de su Mega-Debut, aunque aca increiblemente se lo curraron mejor. Harta caņa y tralla, como debe ser. "Into The Pit" entre mis favoritas pero todo el disco es el desmadre. Mega-Clasico. 9.8/10

From: hair metal again Date: February 13, 2024 at 8:00
very good release for TESTAMENT creating somehow a trademark sound with excellent musicianship and those Chuck s vocs that remind me of James Hetfield s !the guitar work is remarkable ,the production strong and clear ,the energy is present but the songs should have better choruses in order to stand out, like they did later on!"into the pit","the new order" and "eerie inhabitants" are the highlights

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